In the deepest place of Celestia's lab, there stood the milky pink alicorn in front of many test tubes. It was an exciting day for her: She gets to meet with her future children.
She was almost ready to realise them, but was worried for the filly than the young colts. As far as she remembers, the filly was different from them. Celestia had no clue why the black, white filly and colt appeared to be the twins. The filly, small and seem to be trembling by herself in her tube. She once was cracks in multiple universes, Celestia has seen thousands and thousands of letters and concerns brought up to her attention before the filly was contained.
Celestia still smiled, emptying the two tubes without hesitation. She saw the two colts slide down the walls of their tubes and onto the lab's grounds. They were scurrying around once they were free and kept their mother company. None of the colts knew that there was another child that was suppose to be their sister since they only payed attention to Celestia. Celestia picked up the two colts, and went up to her castle.
Once Celestia arrived, she heavily sighed in happiness.
"Ah, let's just rest for now. I had a busy day after all." She chuckled and carefully lay them on her bed, tucking the covers and saying, "Goodnight".
Celestia made the sun go down, ending the day. The moon rises up and entered the sky. Celestia checked the windows to see if there was something out of the ordinary before going back down to her lab to visit the filly again.
She tapped the little filly's tube and smiled. She knew something was wrong. Why were the two colts so successful?
Looking closely everywhere in the room, but Celestia's eyes was on the release button mostly. She was willing to set the young one free just like the others, but she felt weird for the one she just failed.
Some weeks flew by, and she continued to play with Sunra and Physco. Soon, Chrysalis joined in on the fun.
That day ended, and again, she visited the filly everyday. She then spread her hooves on the container, almost trying to hug it. The filly unexpectedly opens her eyes for the first time. It took Celestia a while to notice it, then she looked up.
"Awwh cute" She waved at the filly, hoping she would move at Celestia's direction. Celestia was disappointed she wasn't following. "Oh, that's right, you can't see... poor thing..."
"Well, I wish I could let you go. But mommy wants to fix you as soon as possible.. I'll let you go in the future I promise." The filly tapped the tube's glass everywhere.
"You'll be able to speak, hear me, and see me in the future... Meet your siblings.." Celestia trailed off, spending half of the night with the filly. "Somepony might even watch after you, so I won't have to..!"
A few minutes passed by, and Celestia thought about Chrysalis. "Chryssie named you Iris, huh? All this time... when you first developed, I didn't know you would look alot like Physco.. So I was thinking.. you may have a more suited name.." Celestia peeked at the filly's eyes, the pupils being white "How about I'll name you after him? I'll call you..." Celestia stopped for a moment to think.